The date has been set for RagFest 2016. It will be Saturday, October 15, at the FCLO rehearsal hall at 218 West Commonwealth Ave. in downtown Fullerton. There will be a full slate of sets all afternoon, from noon to 6 p.m., with concurrent performances on the upright piano in the lobby and on the main stage. After a brief dinner break, the program will reconvene at 8 p.m. for a ragtime revue show on the main stage. Featured performers include Paul Orsi, Evans & Rogers, Andrew Barrett, Bob Pinsker, Shirley Case, Tom Marion’s String Trio, Ryan Wishner, Doug Haise and many more.
There are no advance ticket sales. All admissions can be purchased at the door. We will accept cash as well as checks made out to Friends of Jazz (please do not make your checks out to “RagFest”). Admission price for the afternoon segment is $15 per person (all age groups and no special discounts, as this price is a discount from our normal admission of $20 per person). Admission for the evening revue show is $20 per person. Each person who attends the afternoon session and returns after dinner for the evening show will receive a $5 discount.
For more information, please contact Eric Marchese at