“A Joplin Afternoon” will be at Steamers on Sat., May 16, from 1 to 4:30 p.m., presented by the Orange County Ragfest Society. The event will feature works composed solely by Scott Joplin – rags, waltzes, marches, songs and other musical miscellany, even including some selections from the 1911 opera “Treemonisha.”
Featured performers are Andrew Barrett, Shirley Case, Armando Gutierrez, Stan Long, Eric Marchese, Bill Mitchell, Paul Orsi, Bob Pinsker, Gary Rametta, John Reed-Torres and Ryan Wishner.
This is a free, no cover charge performance. Please consider purchasing something from the menu to help Steamers. The Society will be taking donations for this year’s RagFest – but that is all voluntary. The raffle held during intermission is also to help underwrite RagFest but is, again, voluntary.
Drop by Steamers on May 16 for A Joplin Afternoon!…